
upload form


Inset dowloadlink wav or AIFF format

Inset dowloadlink wav or AIFF format


If you need help with radio/blog pitch, we need all assets 5 weeks before release.


ex: Maria Larsen, 50 %, IPI number: 121234456, Iceberg Publishing
Nikolai Hansen, 50%, IPI number: 201234456, Sundance Publishing


ex: Maria Larsen, 50 %, IPI number: 121234456, Iceberg Publishing

Cover Art/ foto credit:

Navngiv filen med fotografs navn.

Press text (DK)

(see press text template - top of the page)

Press Text (ENG)

Link to


^ Inset links (facebook/ Instagram/ website/ youtube/ Spotify etc.)

Who will you contact (PR- wise: radio, press, blogs etc)
This is to avoid us spamming the same contacts.


Inset your email

Accept *

I, hereby grant Iceberg Music Group, hereinafter referred to as the the non-exclusive right to use and exploit the content uploaded by me to their platform for the following purposes:
1. Public Relations (PR): The Company is authorized to use the uploaded content for public relations purposes, including but not limited to press releases, promotional materials, and media outreach. This authorization includes the right to display, publish, and distribute the content for PR-related activities.
2.Internal Storage: The Company is permitted to store the uploaded content internally for organizational and archival purposes. This includes maintaining copies of the content for reference, cataloging, and administrative use.
3.Synchronization (Sync) Purposes: The Company is authorized to synchronize the uploaded content with visual media, such as film, television, advertisements, and online videos, as long as such synchronization is done in compliance with applicable copyright laws and industry standards.

This authorization is effective immediately upon the uploading of the content to the Company's platform and remains in effect unless otherwise terminated in writing by either party.
By uploading content to the Company's platform, the Uploader affirms that they have the legal right to grant this authorization and that the content does not infringe upon the rights of any third parties.

Please make sure all required fields are filled out correctly

© ICEBERG RECORDS A/S | CVR: ​18 55 24 42  | Julsoevaenget 10, 8600 Silkeborg, Denmark | +45 87 20 66 00

Iceberg Music Group strictly prohibits data scraping or extraction through artificial intelligence or any other automated methods.