We are a dedicated team located in Silkeborg and Aarhus, working hard to release, publish and sync great music.

Contact us:

Trygt Rum

​We support Trygt Rum, comprising 15 organizations working together to prevent inappropriate behavior and promote a respectful and professional work environment. Changing cultures requires action.

​If you need to speak with an advisor regarding inappropriate behavior, you can call Trygt Rums anonymous hotline: +45 70 20 99 99.

​In addition to Musikforlæggerne, Trygt Rum includes DPA, Autor, Dansk Komponistforening, Dansk Artist Forbund, DUP, Danske Artist Managers (DAM), Koda, MXD, ROSA, Danske Agenters Sammenslutning, IFPI Danmark, Tempi, and Kunst og Kultur i Balance.​logo_trygtrum_2-3699170161


We are constantly looking for new music, artists, composers, producers and songwriters.

If you are looking for contact with us, please fill out the requied information below.

Please note: Since our primary business is in sync, we are mainly looking for music with english language (preferably based in the nordic countries)

We look forward to hearing from you!

Interest *

Gender *

Genre *

Please make sure all required fields are filled out correctly

© ICEBERG RECORDS A/S | CVR: ​18 55 24 42  | Julsoevaenget 10, 8600 Silkeborg, Denmark | +45 87 20 66 00

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